Amsterdam view from Amsterdam Tower

Amsterdam view from Amsterdam Tower
The view from Amsterdam Tower

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

“Sweet Bitter” Week in Ho Chi Minh City

Season Finale - Final Performance Review

Somehow I knew it.., that by the time I am happy and settled in this new city, it is the time to move…

"Gotham City" i.e. Ho Chi Minh City when it's cloudy - as if it knows my departure

Coffee moment @Saigon
A few months ago, my loved one had already given the signs that we would leave Ho Chi Minh City. His assignment in Vietnam has been completed. New challenge is waiting. Even though it is still in Asia, our new place will be totally different from Vietnam; different culture, language and rhythm.

That place, for me, everything is very vibrant, vigorous, vivid, dynamic, many adjectives can describe its energy. If I may borrow the slogan from one of the American banks – the city never sleeps…

My first reaction was happy. Hurray…! It’s one of my favorite places in Asia! Later reactions were mixed feelings…

The first step before moving anywhere is to say good bye to my friends -:(  Or being honest to myself: the hardest part of moving there leave my attachment and desire on Vietnam…

The two ladies are receptionists at "Vietnam House" restaurant @ Dong Khoi

I moved to Ho Chi Minh City a year ago and started to meet people from French and Vietnamese classes, yoga course, Indonesian community, a friend of a friend, neighbors, Saigon bloggers community, etc…

Real Saigoner with a scooter @ Notre Dame

I heard stories about people moving to a new place for personal reason, and then after awhile they do not know if they are “happy or unhappy”. Fortunately, what I had planned prior to my moving worked well. If this is my “Final Performance Review” between goal vs accomplishment, I exceeded expectation.

Goal vs Accomplishment

Here is my background story - Link: Background Story

Following plans:

  1. learning Vietnamese language
  2. continuing to learn French
  3. doing more yoga and meditation
  4. traveling, and
  5. blogging

Following achievements:

① First plan is accomplished! Check > Post: Vietnamese Language & Friendship

International Student Bazaar @ Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội & Nhân văn

② Second plan is accomplished! Oui, j'ai pris le français à l'IDECAF (Institut d’Échanges Culturels avec la France). Link: Oui, Je parle francais

As an ex colony of France, French culture can be widely noticed in the Vietnam i.e. Ho Chi Minh City; buildings’ architecture, language and cuisine. Furthermore, it is a good strategy learning both French and Vietnamese languages; I asked my Vietnamese friends (in French class) to correct my Vietnamese homework!

Bonjour mes amis à l’Idecaf

③ Yoga is 70% accomplished -:) I went to Yoga Living in Pasteur Street for some time. Then Tram used to come to our apartment to give private lesson. It used to be twice a week. Then my loved one became so busy and we did yoga once a week only.  When Tram went for yoga voluntary work for 2-3 months, we stopped yoga and it was very difficult to re-start.

Thanks to Tram, I can do this!

I really enjoyed the Yoga Weekend Retreat in Cu Chi. Check > Weekend Yoga Retreat at Cu Chi

Yoga Retreat, Sivananada Yoga Center, Ho Chi Minh City

Doing more meditation is accomplished! Yes, I should do it more regularly. Check > Post: Health Meditation Body, Mind & Soul in Bali

Health Meditation - Bali Usada Meditation Center - Bali

④ Traveling? It has been fun traveling in Vietnam and other countries -:) Wait for my future postings, more places and fun stories to come.

⑤ This Blog has reached over 10,000 readers in its first year anniversary -:) Thank you, Terima kasih, Merci, Cảm ơn...

V-in-V as it is “V-in-Vietnam” will have her new name in her new place starting with V:


The highlight of my blogging activities in Ho Chi Minh City is meeting other bloggers; Kevin @saigonnezumi, John @SGNPilot and TJ @HerDailyDigest

@ Vicky's BBQ. Thanks for sending this pic, Kev!

I wish I got the chance to meet others. It is like multi-level marketing, from one contact I know more people. It was a pleasure to get to know Thuy @betoneko and Jane @Jane_Minnie. Thanks to TJ, I met with Lena @lenabucatariu. Even though the meeting with TJ and Lena was the first and last one…

I was with Lena & TJ. Notre Dame is behind us (on the right side)

Like it is in life, there were the good times and hard times. There were happy moments; there were also frustrated moments…
Packing boxes

In my last week in Ho Chi Minh City, there were many things to do within so little time; last minute shopping for our new home, meeting friends for the last time,…packing… 

...and finally those forced me to make the last visit to CMI (Centre Medical International). Bonjour Docteur. Je suis un peu enrhumée -:(

The very last place I visited was of course Tân Sơn Nhất Airport. 

Thank you Vietnam for the nice memory… 

Till we meet again. Hẹn Gặp Lại.

The next destination after Ho Chi Minh City is a bigger city that starts with same alphabets; HO …….. 


".... This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight CX 766 to Hong Kong. Please proceed to gate #$? immediately... I repeat... This is the final boarding call for passengers to Hong Kong..."

Hong Kong view from Victoria Peak

Vibrant/vivid/vigorous city + V (me)

Fa Yuen Street, shopping area, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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