The toe story began on 17 August, the Independence Day of my home
country, Indonesia.
Thanks to internet, I could watch Indonesian TV channels via streaming
in Hong Kong. Like it is normally done every year, the flag ceremony is held
twice: 10am and 5pm.
Slightly before 5 pm, I did a big ironing project. The project package
includes one bed sheet linen, one bed cover sheet and four pillow sheets.
Even though my Mr. Right had said such project is not necessary, it is
clean anyway, but I wanted to pursue with it, supaya rapih gitu.
The project started well. The regular iron board stood firm, the iron
functioned well - both equipment was newly purchased when we moved in. Ironing
four pillow sheets is easy. The bed sheet linen is too big, I needed to fold
it. The end corner of the bed linen that has rubber is always a little bit of hassles.
It tucked at the right side of the iron board. My right hand held the iron,
left hand held the bed sheet linen and… iron board fell right on top of my left
toe! Gubrakkk...
Aaahhhh… Did it ruin my nail
polish? Aduhhh... It was more painful
than I had imagined. Could it be more serious than nail polish issues? Well,
the pain would disappear soon, sit on the sofa, watch TV…
Minute by minute the pain spread from the left toe to the entire left leg.
In an hour, the pain got to my head! That regular iron board is too strong for
my toe...
Because of the pain, all I could do is laying down. Pain, please be
gentle to me... My toe, I'm sorry I hurt you, I didn't pay attention to you, so
As if my toe did not hear me, the pain continued. Mr. Right who was in
the air flying "ping" me to check how I was doing. As I am a big
girl, I said everything was fine, but I could not hide my pain... Sakit.. Tears almost dropped...
Acting as my private medical advisor, he said his diagnose that the
bone in my toe could be broken. “Ok, put
lots of ice first, take Panadol and wait until I arrive home...”
When in pain, there is denial - the pain would disappear, my toe is
just fine, it isn’t broken.
When in pain, there is anger - how could I be so stupid leaving the
iron board fell on top of my toe?
When in pain, there is tenderness - I love you my dear toe, you’re the
strongest among other toes, but right now you are the weakest.
As newcomer in Hong Kong, I did not know any doctor nor hospital. Mr.
Right asked me to check the list of hospitals approved by our health insurance.
When he finally arrived home, he confirmed his diagnose. “More likely your toe
is broken dear…” He put more ice.
The pain did not go away with more ice or Panadol. I woke up every two
hours as the pain continued overnight.
The next morning, surrounded by the fog, we arrived at the hospital...
I could walk with my poor broken toe. Only once I mentioned to the nurse that
my toe might be broken because an iron board fell on top of it. The next doctors
and nurses who took care of me right-away knew; “So you drop an iron board on your toe?”
While waiting for the x-ray result at the comfortable examination room,
I was treated nice; free wifi, TV, a cup of warm tea was served… Do you want more tea Ma’am? Hiks, hiks, I just want my toe to
recover -L
The x-ray confirmed. Mr. Right peeped to the result; “The bone in your toe
is cracked into three pieces dear”. Hah? Jempol
kaki gue retak jadi tiga bagian?
Doctor said “Please take this
medicine and Panadol, put your leg high in order to make the blood circulation smooth,
and your toe will recover in three months”…. Alamak tiga bulan lama yaaa… Mr. Right cheered me up; “Within six weeks, the bone will grow back…”
I had to do “home rest”. Anyway, it hurt if I tried to walk or put on
But, this is Hong Kong, the vibrant city… Why would I stay at home?
Hong Kong, everyone seems moving very fast. People walk quickly. Those
who are in the hurry in the escalator can use left lane, so they walk while escalator
is moving. That is Hong Kong.
I and my broken toe had to calm down. Perhaps this is a sign? Since we
moved to Hong Kong, I adapt to the new phase of life, I move on vibrantly like
everyone else. All the moving stuff managed appropriately; two weeks going
around Hong Kong looking for a new place, third week moving into our new
apartment and making sure the apartment is comfortable to live in; fourth week
finding furniture, knowing where the supermarkets are, finding my way around,
Other than that, emotionally, I still missed friends whom I left behind
in Saigon. Furthermore, I did not have many friends yet in Hong Kong.
What if my toe tried to tell me to slow down? Perhaps it could not bear
Toe on Day 7 |
At the end, I enjoyed the “home rest”. Blessing in disguise, I could
use the time to update my Blog, browse internet, watch TV, etc.
A week after home rest I started to go out again. I bought new walking
sandals that look suitable and comfortable. But they were not good for my
broken toe. It became swollen again! Another home rest for a week...
The third week, I went out once every two days. During the swollen
time, I still felt blessed. I saw two ladies and a gentleman with broken leg. They had to use crutches, move carefully and slower. May all of
them recover and be healthy by now...
Indeed after 4-6 weeks, my toe smiles again. I could do soft stretches
like yoga pose. The swollen and bluish sign disappeared. Skin re-grew. There is
one thing left; the bluish nail that will disappear as it grows.
Slowly, my new life continues. I know more
shortcuts to Central, I make new friends... Yes, there are still plenty of other
stuff to discover... Let the time plays...